In the latest update rolling out in the ay Store, the long-expected video stabilizer finally makes its debut. The feature will use ’s software magic to smooth over the rough spots in the videos in your library, applying electronic stabilization as if they were taken right on the xel. To find the stabilizer, simply open a video tap the edit (pencil) icon. The video will download to your device (if it isn’t there already), you’ll see a new Stabilize button at the bottom. Tap it a progress bar will appear as it begins to work. The length of time will obviously vary, but in our testing it took about twice as long as the video (around two minutes for a minute-long video). en the process is finished, the button will now say “stabilized,” you can watch the new video save it to your photo library. Keep in mind that there will be some cropping of the original video, however, you can tap the Stabilized button to toggle between the two versions while it is playing. And will save a copy in your library so you can always go back to the original. In its teardown of the A, Android lice also discovered a quixotic reference to “Austin’s Mystery Feature” buried in the code as well as some references to + integration. If the update hasn’t hit your phone, you can side-load the -signed A from AMirror. Get the picture: ’ve said it before we’ll say it again, we love otos. From the organization to the speed, it’s by large the best photo management app on any platform one of the apps we use the most on our Android phones. And the new video stabilization in otos proves again just how far ahead of the competition it is.