What can Netflix subscribers expect from Our Planet season 2? On the nature documentary series, the famous English broadcaster David Attenborough narrates the eight globally-expansive episodes. In March 2019, Netflix released a trailer for Our Planet season 1, and then the series premiered on April 5, 2019.

Our Planet was four years in the making, which establishes a new bar for documentaries of its kind. With music composed by Steven Price (Gravity, Suicide Squad), Our Planet season 1 features a legendary figure with Attenborough guiding the narrative, as his nature-related film projects date back to the early ’50s. As a whole, Our Planet season 1 is unique for its beautiful 4K presentation, the shooting locations that span 60 countries, and Attenborough’s polished yet genuine narrative approach.

Our Planet creates an accessible message about the world for universal Netflix subscribers. While nature documentaries may not always provide easy answers about the future, they do create conversations about what to do next. And, hopefully, that will continue with Our Planet season 2.

Our Planet Season 2 Renewal

Our Planet season 1 recently premiered, so it’s unlikely that Netflix will immediately order Our Planet season 2, given that the production schedule is significantly different than a traditional drama or comedy series. It’s not uncommon for Netflix to renew a scripted series approximately three to six weeks after release, but it’s difficult to pinpoint how the streaming service might thematically approach Our Planet season 2.

Since the scope of Attenborough’s nature documentaries make the experience worthwhile, it’s certainly possible that Netflix already plans to move forward with Our Planet season 2. It’s also worth noting Attenborough will turn 93 years old in May 2019, and that he may not be ready to immediately commit to a project unless the exact specifications are set from the start. 

Our Planet Season 2 Release Date Info

Based on the timeline of Attenborough’s past major projects, it could be several years until Our Planet season 2 releases, if Netflix indeed chooses to move forward with a new season. A full decade separated the release of Planet Earth (2006) and Planet Earth II (2016), though Attenborough has worked on numerous smaller projects from year to year. 

If Netflix wants to maintain the high bar set by Our Planet season 1, the executives and financial backers will probably schedule another multi-year production for a possible sequel. Hopefully, Attenborough will be available to narrate and present once again, or perhaps he’ll team up with Netflix for a side project. Our Planet season 2 seems like a logical next step for Netflix, but it will just take some time, possibly years, to complete. 

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