There wouldn’t be a story to tell in Outlander if it weren’t for Claire Fraser, formerly Randall. The English World War II nurse who literally fell through time to 18th-century Scotland wove a tale that instantly captivated audiences, both in the books and now, in the television series.

Throughout her incredible time-traveling story and the romance she finds herself lost in with Jamie Fraser, we learn quite a bit about her. But there is still plenty to either learn or refresh our memories on when it comes to Claire Fraser and how she became the incredible woman she is today. Quench your thirst (for knowledge) on more Outlander during this grueling Droughtlander with these 10 questions about Claire Fraser answered.

Who Is Claire Fraser?

Claire Beauchamp Randall Fraser is a nurse who fell through time during her second honeymoon. The 20th-century English woman found herself back in the 18th-century while in Scotland at the standing stones of Craigh Na Dun.

While back in time, she acclimated herself to the time period. She even translated her nursing background into becoming a healer. Though being English in Scotland during a time where tensions were high between the two countries is difficult to say the least, Claire rose above the political climate and became one of their own – literally – when she married a Scottish warrior.

Who Was Her First Husband?

Claire’s first husband was English historian Frank Randall. They met while he was consulting her archaeologist uncle, Quentin Beauchamp. They married but were separated during WWII as Claire worked as a nurse and Frank fought in the English army.

Frank didn’t give up on Claire while they were separated by time, even after discovering she was no longer in love with him upon her return and was pregnant with another man’s child, agreeing to help raise the child. Frank is also a descendant of Jonathan Wolverton “Blackjack” Randall, an English soldier and enemy of Claire and her new husband, Jamie.

Who Is Her Long Time Love?

Ah, the man who became Claire’s true love. Yes, we’re talking about Jamie Fraser, the young Scottish warrior Claire met after she time-traveled to 1743 Scotland. The two had a connection that was hard to deny but the more time they spent together, the more apparent that connection was. When they married, their love story well and truly began.

Since then, they have done anything they could to keep the other from harm and were devastated when they had to spend 20 years apart. The day they were reunited in Jamie’s print shop made every day they spent apart worth it.

Who Raised Her?

Claire was born in England to parents, Julia and Henry Beauchamp. Sadly, they died when Claire was only 5 years-old in a car accident. Because of this, Claire ended up being adopted by her uncle, Quention Beauchamp, who was an archaeologist and historian.

His work took him all over the world and he thought he should enroll Claire in an English boarding school. Claire being, well, Claire, refused to go and would rather travel with him instead. This is just part of what made her such a strong and worldly woman. This is also what led her to meeting her first-husband, Frank.

What Is Her Occupation?

Claire has had three different professions. Her first job was a nurse during WWII, but things changed for her when she went back in time. In 18th-century Scotland, she was forced to become a healer once they learned of her skills. A healer is like a modern-day nurse, but used herbs and other natural items as medicine. Claire seamlessly delved into this world and helped many people.

Finally, she became a doctor – a surgeon to be exact – once she returned to her time period and went to medical school. When she returned to Jamie, she used her new skills as a surgeon time and time again.

When Did She Time Travel?

Since Claire and Frank were separated during the war, they decided to go on a second honeymoon to Scotland when it ended. While Frank was busy, Claire went searching for herbs near the stones at Craigh Na Dun. While there, she fell through the stones back in time to 1743 Scotland, where the Jacobite Rising was just beginning.

She came across Scottish warriors who saved her from the English officer, Jonathan Randall a.k.a. Blackjack. This is also where she met Jamie Fraser for the first time, and as events began to unfold, the two grew closer while political tensions rose.

Does She Speak Other Languages?

There are different languages exhibited throughout Outlander including Gaelic, French, Chinese, and even Italian, thanks to Bonnie Prince Charlie. Other than English, though, Claire speaks French absolutely beautifully. 

She utilizes this skill-set many times, but particularly during her time in Paris in season 2, which is based off the second book in the series, Dragonfly In Amber. Jamie speaks this language as well and the two have been able to communicate with important people at crucial moments using the French language.

Does She Have Any Children?

Claire has two living children, one that is deceased, and all three she shares with Jamie. Previously, she believed she was unable to have children, but then that was proven wrong with their first child, Faith. Unfortunately, they lost her during childbirth.

At the same time, they had taken the French orphan boy, Fergus, into their home. He became a big part of Jamie and Claire’s lives, becoming a son to them both. Finally, they had another daughter together named Brianna who Claire gave birth to upon her return to the 20th-century before the Battle of Culloden.

Does She Know Anyone Else Who Has Time-Traveled?

Yes, she knows more than one, actually. The first time-traveler Claire met was Geillis Duncan. She didn’t realize this at first, but it was revealed to her at the witch trial that Geillis had the same immunization that Claire had. This would have only been possible if Geillis was from the modern era Claire came from.

Claire also knows that her daughter, Brianna Randall, and Brianna’s now-husband, Roger MacKenzie, time-traveled to find her and Jamie in Scotland. While this seemed certainly unique to Claire, it is now known to be a common occurrence at the stones of Craigh Na Dun.

How Did She Become A Strong, Modern Woman?

Some would say that while Claire is ahead of the times of 18th-century Scotland, she also was ahead of her time in 1945. She was shaped into a strong, independent, modern woman from her unique upbringing and the years she spent as a combat nurse in WWII.

She speaks her mind, is very sensible and realistic, and is unashamed of her sexuality, which was unheard of in 1945 and basically unknown in 1743. She takes charge often and doesn’t back down from conflict. The more time she spent in the 18th-century only further proved she is tough as nails while still being loving and caring to those who matter to her.