Throughout the Outlander series, we see many men who are heroic, Jamie Fraser included. But Claire is not only our heroine because she is telling this incredible tale, but because she herself is heroic in nature. Time and time again, Claire has proven to be the true hero of Outlander in a variety of ways.

Whether she’s standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves or is saving lives when she uses her skills as a nurse, and later, surgeon, to care for the wounded, she is always putting others first. It’s hard to pick just 10 of Claire’s most heroic moments, but that is the challenge we’ve accepted in this article. See how many match up with your favorite moments from our very own Sassenach in the entire series.

Treating The Soldiers At The Battle Of Prestonpans

During season 2 of Outlander, it was clear that the Battle of Culloden would not be thwarted and the war between the Redcoats and Jacobites was imminent. While Jamie was preparing his soldiers in the upcoming battles, Claire was preparing to utilize her skills as a WWII nurse for this 18th-century battle.

Working as the healer at the Battle of Prestonpans, she not only treated the soldiers harmed on the Jacobite side but also the British soldiers that had been hurt. The fact that Claire would put her views aside to help any man who was harmed in the battle was a true mark of a hero.

Killing Geillis To Save Bree

Geillis Duncan was Claire’s first real friend when she traveled back in time to 18th-century Scotland. It was later found out that Geillis, too, was a time-traveler. While at first, she seemed to have Claire’s best interests at heart - even sacrificing herself at the witch trial to save Claire’s life - it was clear later on that she was more foe than friend.

In season 3, Claire and Jamie come across Geillis again in Jamaica, but she has a nefarious plan already in place that involves their daughter, Bree. Once they learn of this, Claire faces off with Geillis herself and kills her, effectively ending Geillis’ plan to end Bree’s life. It shows that Claire would do literally anything for her daughter, even if it meant ending the life of a former friend.

Treating The Ship Filled With Typhoid

In season 3 of Outlander, Claire finds herself on a British ship called the Porpoise that is filled with sick sailors. It turned out that these sailors were suffering from Typhoid fever and of course, with Claire’s vast knowledge of medicine and treatments, she stayed on this ship to help the ailing sailors.

This meant she was apart from Jamie, again, after they had just reunited. She did everything in her power to save these young men and did a damn good job in doing so, even if there were still some lives lost in the process.

She Helped Blackjack’s Dying Brother

Blackjack Randall was the villain of the first two seasons of Outlander and for good reason. He was a vile man who was sadistic in nature and was always looking for new ways to torture the Frasers. But when his younger brother, Alex, was dying from tuberculosis and congestive heart failure, she helped aid his comfort as much as she possibly could, even though she absolutely hated his brother, Blackjack Randall.

Putting differences aside like that to help a dying man shows true strength and selflessness that not everybody has. But once again, Claire’s heroism is shining through in a moment of crisis.

Saving Jamie From The Prison In France

While Jamie and Claire were in Paris, Jamie came across Jonathan Wolverton “Blackjack” Randall and immediately challenged the man to a duel. This highly illegal duel was eventually called off at Claire’s behest but Jamie went through with it after he caught Randall harming Fergus.

He was sent to jail afterward while Claire lost their baby, Faith, but Claire put her traumatic loss aside and went to the King of France directly to strike up a deal to get Jamie out of terrible sentencing at the French prison. Being able to put her troubles aside to help save her love must have been incredibly difficult but she did just that to save Jamie’s life.

Claire Attempted To Save A Man’s Life At River Run Who Was Enslaved

When Jamie and Claire arrived at River Run where Jamie’s Aunt Jocasta resided, Claire was appalled to see Aunt Jocasta’s land also had slaves. Jamie, too, was against this and wanted nothing to do with being the heir to River Run if it would mean he would “own” slaves. It was even more disturbing when Rufus was attacked by a white man only in self-defense, was then brutally harmed by the townspeople.

Claire did everything in her power to save his life and perform an emergency operation on him, but the townspeople were determined to end his life.  She was devastated that there was nothing she could to keep them from harming Rufus, but she tried to do whatever she could to keep him from experiencing their brutality ever again. It was heartbreaking and dangerous for her to do, but she knew what was right and what was wrong and chose to be on the right side of history.

Her Search For Jamie With Murtagh

Claire’s dedication and love for Jamie have been evident since the day they were married. Both of them have proven how devoted they are to one another several times over in the first season alone. When Jamie goes missing and Claire must find him before the British do, she has to take her dedication to her husband to a new level if she is going to find him alive. She does this with the help of Murtagh, Jamie’s right-hand man, and godfather.

They become close friends during this harrowing search and Claire does whatever it takes to track down the man she loves before it’s too late. She even orchestrates a rescue mission when they find him to be at Wentworth Prison. Her strength and perseverance when it comes to Jamie are truly admirable.

Her Time As A WWII Nurse

It’s the first time we ever saw Claire using her nursing abilities in dire situations. Yes, we’re referring to her time as a WWII nurse before she went back in time through the stones at Craigh Na Dun. Though it was just a brief snippet into the life Claire led before her time with Jamie, it showed she was able to work under pressure in life or death situations and with grace and poise to boot.

She learned her nursing skillset during one of the most brutal wars in history and heroically saved many lives while doing so. It was the beginning of a wonderful career for Claire.

She Warned Geillis About The Witch Trial

In season 1, Claire finds herself in a terrible predicament when she goes to warn her new friend, Geillis, about the men coming to arrest her for witchcraft. Unfortunately for Claire, she was arrested for the same charges while warning her friend.

Even though she had promised Jamie to stay put while he was away so she’d be safe, she decided to try to save Geillis instead, effectively putting herself in danger, as well. It was a dramatic turn of events, to be sure, but Claire goes above and beyond to help those she cares about, with this being a prime example of that.

Going Through The Stones Without Jamie

Claire wanted nothing more than to stay by Jamie’s side and help in whatever ways she could during the Battle of Culloden. But Jamie insisted that she go back to her own time to be with Frank and raise their child in a time that was much safer than his own.

It was likely the hardest thing Claire ever had to do - leaving the one she loves behind - but she knew that she had to not only save herself, but their unborn child, and give her a true chance at a happy and healthy life. This was another moment that showed how incredibly selfless Claire is and that she is willing to sacrifice her own happiness for her daughter’s safety.