Outlander fans all over the world have been debating this question for years: Frank or Jamie? It has to be said that both men have their merits. Claire’s 1948 husband was a kind and generous father who loved her long after she returned. Yet, her 1748 husband managed to sway fans with his charming persona and family devotion. Two good men who only wanted the best for Claire in the end.

But that didn’t mean they never had their faults, as there have been many incidents in the books and the series that show Frank and Jamie to be flawed. Here are five reasons why Frank was better (and five reasons why Jamie was).

Pro Frank: Helped To Raise Brianna

In both the book and the show, Frank decides to put his pride to one side and help Claire raise Brianna. It must have been hard for Frank to hear that Claire had fallen in love with another man while she was “missing.” It would have been even harder for him to hear that she had got pregnant with this man’s child. Tobias Menzies’ interpretation of the scene was heartbreaking.

Frank fans will say he was better for Claire after he chose to put Brianna ahead of his happiness. He was a natural father, who would do all he could to protect Brianna—even when it was her time to travel through the stones (as seen in Written In My Hearts Own Blood).

Pro Jamie: Let Claire Go… Twice

Fans of Jamie couldn’t help but feel for the Scotsman when he decided to put Claire’s happiness ahead of his own. On two consecutive occasions, Jamie decided to let Claire go. The first time was in the episode “The Devil’s Mark” (in the book Outlander) when Claire tells Jamie the truth about her origins. Jamie accepts everything she says and takes her to Craigh Na Dun, giving her the chance to return to Frank if she wished.

Fans’ hearts broke for a second time when Jamie forced Claire to leave for the sake of their child. In “Dragonfly in Amber” (and the book with the same name), Jamie tells Claire to go back to the twentieth century because it won’t be safe for her to stay. He would rather she raise the child with Frank than stay to wait out the battle.

Pro Frank: Takes Her To The US To Protect Her From Scandal

Despite his anger towards the situation, Frank asks Claire to go to the US with him as he has a job opportunity. Since Claire would be at risk of a scandal if her pregnancy is discovered, Frank suggests the move could be a fresh start. No one in the States would know about their story, nor would they question Brianna’s parentage.

Frank could have left Claire but felt it wouldn’t be right to abandon her when she needed him. He loved her enough to protect her well-being and reputation.

Pro Jamie: He Believes Claire When Frank Doesn’t

Fans of Frank may say that his doubt about Claire’s story is valid, but then you have to consider the other perspective: Jamie believed her and she had much more to lose in that century. Her knowledge about the future had already seen her trialed for witchcraft, so she could have easily found herself back there if Jamie turned her in. Why couldn’t Frank give her the same courtesy?

When Claire returns to Frank, he has her assessed by a psychiatrist (in book Voyager), he is led to believe that she is suffering from delusions. The letter to Brianna also shows his continued skepticism over Claire’s story, even though he found proof that it was truthful.

Pro Frank: Encourages Her To Become A Doctor


The show didn’t go into much detail about Frank’s feelings about Claire’s career, but they did show how the public felt about a female surgeon. It wasn’t very good. However, book Frank was quite supportive of Claire’s decision to go to Med school.

In the book Voyager, Claire is on the verge of quitting after Brianna is injured whilst looking for her. Still, Frank manages to persuade Claire not to as he recognizes her talent, believing this was something she was destined to do. Frank then volunteers to watch Brianna until Claire’s classes finish. It was a nice thing for him to do.

Pro Jamie: Supports Her Career As A Surgeon

Just because Frank encouraged Claire to go to Med school did not mean he was always happy with her career later on. Not like Jamie was. In both the books and the show, fans often see Jamie hanging onto her every word. But the most touching moment came in the episode “The Doldrums” when Jamie attempts to protect her feelings.

Jamie is seen to suffer from seasickness and the only thing that works is acupuncture. Instead of telling Claire that her remedies are not working, Jamie decides to keep taking them as he worries that he would offend her if he didn’t. Although Claire didn’t mind, Jamie proves to be a true gentleman.

Pro Jamie: Frank Knew What Happened At Culloden And Kept It A Secret

When it was revealed that Frank knew Jamie survived Culloden, it came as a shock to all fans. This discovery was revealed in the book Drums of Autumn (and the episode “Down The Rabbit Hole”) when Frank’s research sees him find historical records of Jamie. He then discovers that Jamie survived the battle, which causes him to panic.

The book states that Frank chose to hide the truth from Claire. Roger reveals it was Frank who ordered the gravestone they found with Jamie’s name. Frank believed that Brianna deserved to know about her heritage, but he would do no more than that. He didn’t want to risk losing them both so he kept it a secret.

Pro Frank: Didn’t Tell Claire So She Didn’t Have To Choose Between Brianna And Jamie?

The author of the books, Diana Gabaldon, was quick to leap to Frank’s defense. She believes that Frank didn’t tell Claire about Jamie’s survival because he didn’t want to give her an impossible decision. Which, fans could understand… a little.

If Frank would have told Claire, then she would have been torn between Jamie and Brianna. He knew she loved Jamie and would go back to him in a heartbeat if it wasn’t for Brianna. For her to know that Jamie was alive and that she couldn’t be with him would have caused her more grief. It was better for Claire to find out when Brianna was older.

Pro Frank: Jamie Beats Claire As Punishment

Even though Jamie had been the perfect gentleman, fans could not help but be disappointed when he hit Claire. This happened in both the book and season 1 when Claire puts them all in danger (“Both Sides Now”/“The Reckoning”). Claire decides to try and reach the stones but gets captured by the English soldiers. As a result, Jamie and a few other men have to rescue her.

When they return to Castle Leoch, Jamie decides to punish her because she disobeyed his orders. It was awkward for all when Jamie decided to flog her. No one ever wants to see this side of him again.

Pro Jamie: Frank Tried To Separate Brianna And Claire

Menzies’ portrayal of Frank was much more lovable than the book Frank. At least his intention to take Brianna to England was because he realized Claire would return to Jamie (he found their obituary in “Down The Rabbit Hole”). However, book Frank was much more callous in his fight with Claire.

Frank accuses Claire of having an affair with her friend, Joe Abernathy, and expresses his worry about Brianna and Abernathy’s son hanging out. Claire decides to confront Frank with her own beliefs, implying that he was not faithful either. Considering Frank wanted to keep Brianna and Claire together, he was now doing the opposite and only thinking what was best for him.