When it comes to Outlander, there is only one relationship that stands out the most. Claire and Jamie’s. From day 1, the surgeon and the Scotsman have had the viewers gripped in their romance, watching as they overcame all obstacles to be together.

However, it wasn’t always plain sailing for the couple, as Claire and Jamie’s marriage was born out of necessity. Claire also struggled to adapt to the customs of the eighteenth century and would often find herself at loggerheads with the Fraser. Would you like some examples? Keep reading to discover the 5 worst things Claire did to Jamie (and the 5 most heroic things she did for him).

WORST: Running Away From Jamie

Before Claire told Jamie the truth about where she came from, the war nurse had tried to escape from the MacKenzies many times. In “Both Sides Now,” she is almost successful in getting back to Frank until she is taken by the Redcoats and led to Captain Randall.

As she was entrapped at Fort William, Jamie and a few members of Clan Mackenzie were forced to rescue her from Randall’s clutches. Jamie later reveals to Claire that the gun he was armed with was empty, meaning he could have ended being captured if Randall called his bluff. Running away from Jamie only served to jeopardize his safety.

BEST: Helped Jamie Kill Dougal

Another heroic thing that Claire did for Jamie was when she saved his life. In “Dragonfly in Amber,” tensions between Jamie and Dougal reached boiling point as the War Chief found out that Jamie was planning to assassinate Bonnie Prince Charles. As a result, the two went head to head before the Battle of Culloden.

Dougal appeared to get the upper-hand on the young Fraser and was about to kill him until Claire smashed him over the head with a wooden crate. Jamie was able to overpower him, where he and Claire were able to deliver the killing blow by stabbing him with his own dirk. Without Claire’s intervention, Jamie would have died.

WORST: Staying Close To Geillis

In the episode “By the Pricking of My Thumbs,” Claire causes more issues for Jamie when she refuses to stay away from Geillis. In the aftermath of him dueling with the MacDonalds, Jamie had been exiled with Dougal. Before he leaves, he tells Claire to stay away from Geillis as she is suspected of murdering her husband and being a witch.

However, once Claire gets a note from the time traveler, she is quick to jump on the horse and rush to her aid. As a result, she is subsequently arrested, along with Geillis, for being a witch. Jamie is then forced to intervene, holding the crowd at sword-point when they are about to take her to the stake. Again, Jamie puts his own life on the line to save her.

BEST: Telling Him About Her Origins

An honorable act Claire did for Jamie was telling her the truth about her origins. In the aftermath of the witch trial, Jamie asked Claire if what they were accusing her of was true. Claire decides to take a chance and tells Jamie about how she was from the future.

She also tells him about the Jacobite rebellion and what he should expect if Clan Mackenzie were to take part in the Battle of Culloden. Not only was it brave of her to tell him the truth but it is kind of heroic that she has given him knowledge about the future that could save his life.

WORST: Keeping Knowledge About Brianna’s Attack

In season 4, Brianna and Jamie’s relationship became strained after the Scotsman accused her of lying about her assault. In the episode “The Deep Heart’s Core,” the Frasers were all horrified to discover that Jamie had beat Roger up and sold him to the Mohawks after he mistook Roger for the man who had attacked Brianna.

While Claire didn’t know what Jamie had done, she did find out that it was Stephen Bonnet who attacked Brianna. Instead of telling Jamie, she decided to keep it between them. However, by omitting the information, Jamie still acted recklessly by nearly beating Roger to death. Later in the episode, he does reprimand her for not telling him.

BEST: Taking Brianna To 1947

One of the most heroic things Claire did for Jamie was taking Brianna to 1947. In “Dragonfly in Amber,” Claire and Jamie had reached a Catch-22 situation when the Scotsman was forced to send her back through the stones. After they killed Dougal, Jamie was led to believe that he was going to die and Claire would be executed for treason too.

Jamie decides that the best thing would be to send Claire back through the stones, where she would raise the baby with Frank. Although Claire was reluctant to leave Jamie, she agreed that Brianna would have a better life in the 20th-century. The fact that Claire was willing to let Jamie go was pretty heroic.

WORST: Getting Captured At Wentworth

The first attempt at freeing Jamie from Wentworth prison didn’t go to planned as Claire ended up getting caught. In “Wentworth Prison,” Claire manages to find a way into the facility. However, by doing it alone, Claire made herself vulnerable to the redcoats patrolling the facility.

Unbeknownst to her, Jack Randall was in Jamie’s cell at the time which meant that she had walked into a trap. When Randall began to threaten her, Jamie offered to submit to his will to save her life. As a result, Jamie suffered extreme physical and psychological torment which affected deeply in the years to come. While no one could have predicted it, you can’t help but think that Jamie wouldn’t have submitted to him if it was someone other than Claire.

BEST: Sleeping With King Louis

The relationship between Jamie and Claire became briefly strained after the surgeon had a miscarriage. In “Faith,” the episode shows what happened to Claire and Jamie in the aftermath of his duel with Captain Randall. When Claire wakes up in a hospital, she is informed that Jamie had been arrested for dueling.

Claire was resentful of his behavior until Fergus revealed the truth of why the Scotsman was dueling the Captain in the first place. Now understanding that Jamie was trying to protect Fergus, Claire worked quickly to get him out of the bastille. The only way the King would grant Jamie a pardon was if Claire would sleep with him and help him with a few trials. Despite her grief, Claire agreed to the terms because she wanted to save Jamie’s life.

WORST: Told Jamie Not To Kill Jack Randall

One of the most challenging and unfair things Claire asked Jamie was for him to not kill Jack Randall. Since the beginning of the show, Jamie had an ongoing rivalry with the English redcoat Captain. Jamie’s hatred for him was cemented after Randall assaulted him.

While Claire and Jamie are in France, they are shocked to see that Randall is there too. However, instead of allowing Jamie to have his revenge, Claire makes Jamie promise her that he will not kill Randall to ensure that Frank is born. Considering that Claire knew of the torment Randall had put Jamie through, it was unfair of her to ask him to bottle his feelings up for the sake of Frank’s survival.

BEST: Breaks Him Out Of Wentworth

The most heroic thing Claire did for Jamie was when she joined the escapade to break him out of Wentworth. In “The Search,” Jenny and Claire begin to track Jamie after he is taken by the redcoats. The two women manage to apprehend one of the guards and question him of the whereabouts of Jamie.

Murtagh then joins the woman with their search, where he and Claire continue with their search. When they found out that he had been imprisoned in Wentworth Prison, Claire then comes up with a plan to break him out with several members of clan MacKenzie. No matter what obstacles got in the way, she never gave up and that is pretty heroic.