The G d 7.0, 8.0, 10.1 will debut at the Med tradeshow in Monaco beginning Tuesday. Specifications weren’t announced, but we should get all the details later this week. The company did say the new tablets would include ‘s Bluetooth-based Qir 2.0 feature. Qir lets you connect a G d to your Android smartphone via Bluetooth receive text phone call alerts on the tablet. Don’t expect to see pricing a U.S. release date for the new G d devices at Med. says those details will be announced locally in each global region over the coming weeks. An ideal time to mention pricing U.S. availability may be Tuesday, May 27. That’s when is expected to introduce both the new G3 smartphone the Android ar-based G tch. An announcement about availability for the new G d tablets could be the perfect appetizer for such an event, if they’re coming to the U.S. Hoping to build interest in its upcoming wearable, also posted a new G tch teaser video to the company’s YouTube account on Sunday. The video doesn’t reveal anything new about the watch. Instead it reiterates the few things we already know: The watch will be always on, powered by Android ar, waterproof. Nevertheless, the video gives us the best look we’ve had yet at the G tch. After you’ve seen the teaser, however, we think you’ll agree it’s a pretty plain looking hunk of wristwear as far as aesthetic design goes. Earlier reports pegged the G tch as rolling out in ne in Europe for around €199, but a U.S. release date pricing for the G tch remain a mystery.