Master Season 4 Episode 2 Spoiler In the principal episode, Albedo contemplates what will befall Sorcerer Kingdom and Ainz when he awakens. Sooner or later, Albedo begins to feel as she doesn’t have to stress over the realm or Ainz in light of the fact that she has a ton of confidence in the manner Ainz leads and decides. While Ainz couldn’t rest all night since he was stressed over how he was doing the Sorcerer Kingdom. At the point when he pivoted, he saw one of his house keepers sitting tight for him to get up so she could make it. Ainz advises the house keeper to assist him with selecting a dress and prepare for the afternoon. Master Season 4 Episode 2 Release Date Albedo and senior Liches go to meet Ainz when he is preparing to go to the regarded seat of the ruler of the Sorcerer Kingdom. The two of them let Ainz know that he looks great, yet he feels extremely weighty in his dress. Ainz begins to investigate the papers he needed to check for a couple of days, however he stops and figures that a conventional man doesn’t merit being the ruler of Sorcerer Kingdom. When Ainz saw the reports that didn’t sound good to him, he began to ponder his work and his abilities.

As the episode goes on, Lady Mare and Aura go to see the ruler, and when he sees them, he is so cheerful. Ainz causes Lady Mare and Aura to sit on his lap. Irate Albedo requests that Ainz cause her to sit on his lap, yet he says she’s a grown-up. Afterward, however, he causes her to sit close to him for some time. Woman Mare and Aura begin discussing how the economy functions. The discussion continues on toward E-Rantel city, whose economy was developing, and Ainz concurs with Albedo that they ought to go there to fix the issue.