Ana can be one of the most difficult heroes to master in Overwatch – here are some key tips to make playing her more effective. If anyone needed proof of Blizzard’s commitment to character diversity in Overwatch, look no further than Ana. The first hero introduced post-launch, Ana is a 60-something, one-eyed sharpshooter and the battle-hardened mother of fellow hero Pharah. She’s also one of the founding members of the Overwatch task force so her place in the game’s lore is important.

Ana’s arsenal of powerful healing abilities makes her one of the most effective support heroes in Overwatch. Her ability to both heal allies and dole out damage to enemy heroes makes her a desirable asset to any Overwatch team.

But with Blizzard ranking Ana as one of the most difficult characters a gamer can play as, it can take some time to learn how to use her to the best of her abilities. Here are a few tips and tricks on how to play Ana in Overwatch.

Use The Sleep Dart Sparingly

Ana’s sleep dart puts enemies to sleep for 5.5 seconds and as such is an effective way of countering enemy Ultimates. However, as the sleep dart has a pretty lengthy 12-second cooldown it’s an ability best used sparingly rather than liberally. Overwatch players should also note the dart’s sleep effect is broken if the target sustains any damage which means it’s best used on enemies who aren’t under a hail of gunfire.

Know Your Role

With sniper skills like Ana’s, it can be tempting to take out as many enemy heroes as possible, but it’s important to remember she is a healer first and foremost. Ana’s powerful healing abilities are a major asset that can keep teammates alive under heavy fire so this should be prioritized over dealing damage.

Use Your Nano Boost Tactically

Nano Boost is Ana’s Ultimate ability in Overwatch and supercharges teammates, increasing their damage and decreasing incoming damage. It’s most effective when used on offensive and tank teammates with active Ultimate abilities like Soldier: 76 and his Tactical Visor, Roadhog and Whole Hog or Reaper’s Death Blossom.

Know Your Primary Weapon’s Limitations

Ana’s primary weapon Biotic Rifle can be incredibly useful, but it also has some limitations. Scoped shots, for example, will instantly hit targets but leave a bullet trail that reveals Ana’s position. Conversely, un-scoped shots have a travel time but are barely visible to enemy teams. Keep in mind that Ana’s Biotic Rifle is also incapable of firing critical headshots so it’s best to stick to body shots.

Cause Chaos For Enemy Teams With Biotic Grenades

Biotic Grenades are great for healing Overwatch allies but they’re also an effective weapon as they prevent enemies caught in the blast from healing for a few seconds. Biotic Grenades are especially useful used on enemy heroes with self-healing abilities like Roadhog or Soldier: 76. Similarly, if Zenyatta is hit by a grenade blast while using his Transcendence Ultimate ability, it will prevent him from healing his nearby teammates.

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