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About Paige Sparks

Paige Sparks is a first-generation lawyer and the TikTok content creator behind Lawyer Paige. 

Paige shares, “I’m not a traditional lawyer in that I’m not fancy or flowery. In order to understand the law, I had to kind of dumb it down into layman’s terms so that I understand it, and that has helped me help other people learn a lot as well.”

Paige also has a couple of disabilities, including dyslexia, which has given her specific experiences that have prepared her to help others with employment law. She explains that she’s not just running numbers but truly relates to the individuals she helps. 

During the pandemic, Paige Sparks felt bored and was struggling to market herself, so she decided to create a TikTok, which at the time was unheard of, especially for her niche. 

She notes, “I started making informational videos, just educating on legal things in general, and then I started sharing more things geared toward employment law. Like, if this situation has happened to you, that may not be legal, and that’s how I started growing my account.”

*This is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice. Employment law in each state varies, and each person’s individual situation is different, so check with a local employment lawyer for any potential legal claims.

Growing Her TikTok with Relatable Content 

Paige’s content is relatable and geared toward her ideal client. She shares that she makes her content relatable rather than stuffy, intimidating, or condescending because nobody wants to listen to someone like that. 

Her first viral video features her walking her dog down a road in front of her home with her after-work cocktail and discussing HR. This clip went viral on TikTok. Unfortunately, she received some backlash from local lawyers who roasted her for the TikTok, which wasn’t ‘prim and proper.’ 

However, the video was relatable, and many people resonated with it, contributing to its success. 

Paige Sparks adds, “It went viral because a lot of people resonated with it. They had shared something with HR. HR works for the company, and they didn’t keep it confidential, and then they were fired. That’s kind of how I streamline into really finding what people wanted to see, which I also liked making. That’s important for content too – If I don’t enjoy making it, I don’t do it.”

Another way she makes her content attractive to viewers is by taking their questions and answering them in Q&A style TikToks. This type of content gives viewers general information about different topics and the steps they can take to address them. 

Paige shares, “I try to answer everything I can in the comments. If it’s a good topic, I create a video based on that, so it’s like making legal information available to people. While I can’t give legal advice on TikTok of course, general information can let people know if they have a case or not.”

Some of Paige’s favorite videos to create are her coffee story times, where she takes the viewer along as she makes coffee and shares a legal story. Many enjoy hearing about the behind-the-scenes of being a lawyer, so this is a popular video on her platform. Paige also likes that she can share some of her personality in these videos and doesn’t edit out mistakes, like spilling her coffee as she makes it. 

Managing It All

Paige Sparks is a full-time lawyer and active social media content creator who manages all her content and inbox. 

“You can imagine you get spread kind of thin when you’re wanting to micromanage Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and everything. Most of them are not monetized. The only thing I’ve ever monetized was TikTok, and that was because when it first came out, they did the Creator Fund, and I did it.”

Although her TikTok is monetized, Paige shares that the earnings are ‘peanuts,’ even for millions of views on her videos. In three years, she’s made about $1,500 from TikTok. 

She adds, “The money doesn’t come from the content I make. It comes from somebody local whose cousin sent them one of my videos… and then they see if they have a case. That’s really where the value comes.”

As a result of her social media content, she has had more people reach out to her. Most of the time, she must turn them down because they are located in another state or have a case related to a different type of law field that she doesn’t practice. However, sometimes Paige can take on clients from these social media messages and referrals. 

“Whatever videos I make on TikTok, I screen record without any watermarks or anything, and I also share that to a different audience on Instagram because most of them aren’t the same… Then I share them to Facebook, maybe like a day or two later just to keep it a little different and share it to YouTube, but in a perfect world, they would all be a little different because each platform likes something different.”

Paige Sparks explains that her content performs better when sharing meaningful law information. She suspects this is due to the algorithm recognizing that the content is valuable and relatable to many people. 

She adds, “I don’t like doing the clickbait taglines that are something radical – like, could you believe this? That’s just not my style. It works for some people. I just don’t like that. I think starting real conversational videos… really led to all this growth because it’s genuine. You don’t feel like you’re being given a sales pitch.”

The Future of the Creator Marketplace

Paige Sparks shares that she doesn’t want to be verified because she’s afraid that’ll remove some of her relatability. If she’s not verified, then she looks like any other person on the platform. 

She notes, “I don’t want someone not to message me because they don’t think I’ll see it because I’m verified. I think that’s going to be a real issue we see going forward with people that are pushing that kind of verified content. It’s not going to be as relatable and go over as well.”

In addition to verification issues on the horizon, Paige shares her concerns about creators not knowing the behind-the-scenes for the platform’s algorithm. 

“We don’t know all the behind-the-scenes for every platform’s algorithm, but it’s definitely geared to people that promote and post things because they make money off of selling the ad. I would like to see that be a little more transparent because I feel like there are a lot of promoted posts that some people do that where the consumer doesn’t know [it’s promoted.].”

As for Paige, she excitedly shares that Samantha, her law partner, and herself are working on a YouTube channel, which is a new learning experience for Paige. They have several projects in the works, such as a potential podcast and collaborations with other lawyers.

Amy DeYoung is a freelance blog post writer covering influencer marketing and business topics. As the daughter of two business owners, she’s been fascinated by all things business from a young age, which led her to graduate from college with a bachelor’s degree in business. When she’s not typing away, she spends her time reading nonfiction books and mystery novels, baking scrumptious desserts, and playing with her dog.

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