Palm provides their customers who purchase phones from with a return policy that guides the return process in case the customer is not satisfied with their purchase. Since Palm reserves the right to change or alter any content or condition in the phone return policy, the customer must adhere to the set return period and be ready to follow the return process set for them to be eligible for refund or exchange. 

Everything to know about Palm phone return policy 

Palm phone return period 

A customer in need of returning a phone purchased from Palm stores is required to do so within 15 days from the receiving date for the phone to be considered eligible for a refund otherwise the refund will not be approved.  

Limitation of Palm phone return policy 

A customer is not eligible for return from Palm if the phone returned is water damaged, lost during return, damaged during return, missed some items it was delivered with, has been modified, or its color and appearance has been changed. 

Phone return process to Palm

A customer who needs to return the phone they purchased at Palm is required to get in touch with Palm Customer service by submitting a request for the return using The customer will be required to provide their valid email address, name, description of the phone, reasons for the phone return, choose the product to be returned, indicate the software of the phone, the phone order number, and upload any files necessary to provide proof for the purchase.

 If approved, Palm sends the customer a return form they are required to fill and send it back to Palm. Palm will commence the return process and send the customer an email with the shipping return label to the customer. The customer will have to prepare the phone to be returned and ensure all the contents it was delivered with are available and in good condition, package the items in their original packaging, and label them as required. The customer then takes the package to the carrier that ships the return package to Palm. 

Phone refund process at Palm    

Palm initiates a refund process once the return package is delivered to them. The Palm store attendant will verify the phone and accessories are in good condition, all the items shipped with the phone are available and the order was approved for return. After approval of the verification, Palm starts processing the customers’ refund. The amount of refund that the customer will receive is as follows.

The restocking fees will be deducted from the phone’s original purchase price if the customer purchased the phone on Palm Phone.   If a customer returns a phone to Palm that its packaging has not been opened will be refunded the phone original purchase price less shipping cost 

Palm reimburses customer refunds within seven days from the date the return package was delivered to Palm. The refund will be sent to the customer using the original method of payment they used when purchasing the phone e.g. If the customer paid using their credit card, the refund will be processed to the same credit card. 

Reasons for phone return to Palm

A customer can return the phone they have purchased at if the customer receives a defective phone due to a manufacturer’s error affecting the functionality of the phone, the phone has been damaged during shipment, the phone is lost during shipment and the delivery date has already passed, the phone a customer received they had not ordered due to a packaging error by Palm in terms of quantity, color, or model number, the phone was received with some of its parts, accessories, or contents missing in the packaging, or the customer received a phone that they had already canceled the order and the customer is awaiting the payment made to be refunded. 


The Palm phone return policy assures customers of the quality of the phones they purchase at and the commitment of Palm to ensure customers’ satisfaction with every phone purchase. For a successful return and refund process to take place and ensure both the customer and Palm are happy, the terms and conditions set should be followed to the later and every stage be understood by both the parties.

How much does Palm charge as a restocking fee for the returned phone?

The restocking fee charged by Palm is $20 

How does one get in touch with Palm regarding a return?

A customer can either send an email to or use the return request ticket link

Who bears the cost of phone return to Palm?

Depending on the return reason provided, either the customer or Palm will incur the cost.