Panoramic Dental X-Rays Cost

It provides a full view of the curved structured jaw in a flat image with all the minute details of the teeth and their surrounding area. The panoramic X-ray is more precise, quick, and detailed than the traditional x-ray.

The average cost of a Panoramic dental X-ray is said to be $130, but it depends on the location.

It might cost more than the traditional dental x-ray as it helps the dentist and oral surgeons to perfectly prepare the dentures, and braces, and also for small surgeries like extraction and implantation.

Use of a panoramic dental x-ray: Panoramic Dental X-Rays Cost

Panoramic dental x-ray is a very common and the most preferred x-ray by dentists and oral surgeons. It is used to examine one’s sinuses, tooth positioning, and bone abnormalities, for treatments like braces, extraction, or implantation, and also for full or partial dentures.

Dental and medical problems diagnosed by panoramic x-ray

Periodontal disease. Cysts are located in the jaw bones. Tumors in the jaw and oral cancer. Affected teeth and wisdom teeth. Jaw disorders like Temporomandibular Joint disorder (TMJ disorder)Sinusitis

Why and when do I need a panoramic x-ray?

The ability of the panoramic x-ray to spot changes in one’s oral health is one of the reasons to take the x-ray examination. This x-ray method helps in the early detection of any changes and abnormalities and makes it easier to treat oral disease. 

For children and teenagers, this x-ray assists the need for orthodontic care and treatment and to see the growth status of their wisdom teeth. In adults, a panoramic x-ray can spot early signs of oral cancer, and identify Temporomandibular joint disorder, cysts growth, and bone abnormalities. 

The ideal duration to take the panoramic x-ray examination is every 3-5 years to keep one’s dental health in check.

Benefits and risks of panoramic x-ray: Panoramic Dental X-Rays Cost


The radiation does not harm the body as it does not stay in the body after the x-ray is done. This x-ray or any x-ray does not have any side effects. This x-ray provides vital information and is valuable to the dentist and oral surgeon as it guides them to give proper treatment to the patient. This dental x-ray examination can also be taken by young children.


Pregnant women should inform their dentist or oral surgeon beforehand.

What is different about the Panoramic X-ray?

It is an extraoral x-ray that captures the image of both the upper and the lower jaw in one x-ray with the tissues, bones, and nerves around the teeth. This technology has a film placed inside the machine rather than placing it inside the mouth and takes around 12 to 20 seconds to capture a whole view of the jaw.

When taking a Panoramic X-ray examination?

Step 1: Do not wear any jewelry or spectacle. If so, remove it aside as it may obstruct the x-ray process.

Step 2: The technician will ask you to stand or sit on a chair which will be situated at the center of the machine.

Step3: You will have to rest your chin on a rester and keep the bite-blocker in your mouth.

Step4: You will have to stand still while the machine will rotate in a semi-circular motion behind your head from right cheek to left and back again.

Panoramic X-ray is a pain-free and quick process that provides a full evaluation of teeth and jaw bones. It is an extraoral x-ray with the details of the surface and not an intraoral x-ray that gives the details of each tooth. It is suggested by dentists and oral surgeons over intraoral x-ray for examination of the jaw area.

Frequently asked questions:

Q.1. When is a panoramic x-ray required?

Ans: When there is a dental problem caused by a sinus problem and in cases of extreme dental pain.

Q.2. Are there any risks of a panoramic x-ray?

Ans: No, there are no risks however, pregnant women should inform their doctor beforehand.

Q.3. How painful is a panoramic x-ray examination?

Ans: It is not at all painful. This is a painless x-ray procedure where a machine rotates in a semi-circular motion behind the head while the person is standing still with a bite-blocker inside the mouth.

Q.4. Can panoramic x-ray detect cavities in the teeth?

Ans: No, it can not detect cavities in the teeth as it only gives a detailed x-ray of the surface that includes the upper and lower jaw, bones, nerves, and sinuses.