Paramount is developing a television series based on The Vampire Chronicles. In 1976, author Anne Rice published what would be the first novel in a long series of books. The first book - Interview with the Vampire - introduced the character of Lestat de Lioncourt as the antagonist to hero Louis de Pointe du Lac. Starting with the second book - The Vampire Lestat - the former antagonist became the protagonist, and most of the books in the series have remained Lestat’s story - with a few exceptions that explore other characters.

The books have remained wildly popular over the last several decades, making over $80 million. There have been a few attempts at adaptions over the years. In 1994, Brad Pitt, Tom Cruise, and Kirsten Dunst starred in Interview with the Vampire - a film adaption of the first novel. The film was nominated for several awards and jump started Dunst’s career. It was followed up with Queen of the Damned which combined elements from both the second and third books in the series. Lestat - previously played by Cruise - was portrayed by Stuart Townsend this time around. That film was not as popular as well-liked as its predecessor.

But Anne Rice is trying again. After regaining the theatrical rights to her properties, she began to look for the right production company to adapt The Vampire Chronicles for television. According to Deadline, both Paramount Television and Anonymous Content are bringing The Vampire Chronicles to TV.

Rice - along with her son Christopher Rice - will executive produce along with both companies. Christopher will also write the series. Mother and son have already completed the series bible and written the pilot. They will be showing the projects to networks soon in order to find The Vampire Chronicles a home.

Paramount Television President Amy Lowell, spoke about Anne Rice and her books:

David Kanter from Anonymous Content also released a statement:

“It is undeniable that Anne Rice has created the paradigm against which all vampire stories are measured. The rich and vast world she has created with The Vampire Chronicles is unmatched and sophisticated with 90’s gothic undertones that will be perfectly suited to captivate audiences. The series is full of compelling characters led by Lestat, arguably one of the greatest original characters, literary or otherwise.”

The two companies have worked together on several series before. The popular Netflix show 13 Reasons Why and Berlin Station on Epix have already been released, while The Alienist on TNT and Maniac on Netflix are both going to air soon. There are also a number of other series in the works between both companies.

“Together with our partners at Paramount Television, we are embarking on a fantastic journey with Anne and Christopher Rice to bring Anne’s unparalleled imagination to television at the moment when the medium is experiencing a global apex in the demand for the most outstanding, exciting and heightened premium dramatic programming”

There are currently eleven books in The Vampire Chronicles, with another one due to be released just in time for Christmas this year, so there is plenty of material available to make the series out of. Keep reading Screen Rant for the latest news about the development of the series.

Source: Deadline