Eliza Block, our favorite crossword puzzle developer, found out she’s almost hitting $2000/day lately – which, according to her, was totally unexpected.  Hey Seth, So yes: they’ve provided us with download #s by region for the past 3 days (28th-30th). I did way better than I had expected, and am a little shell-shocked. Here’s a screenshot from the report for yesterday: But, she deserves it…her app is the best of the breed, filling a need that many people want.  The amazing thing is that Apple has taken care of everything from the development environment to the transaction services to the distribution to the marketing.   You can be a great software developer on your own without having a huge company to back you up.  This is truly a game changing play for Apple and the development community. If you ever needed a motivation to get into the iPhone development world, *ahem take a look at the golden goose below….(full size)


  Time to crack open those Objective C books…Maybe you’ll come up with something as good as 2Across… Buy 2Across (iTunes App Store Link) Update: Here’s July 31st’s report.  It isn’t a fluke…it continues to grow… digg_url = ‘http://9to5mac.com/iphone-apps-developers-rich’;