Authorities in Seoul, South Korea said Sunday that 26 of the casualties were unfamiliar nationals, including no less than two Americans. The ages and personalities of the casualties have not been shared.

One partygoer, a 24-year-old named Ana visiting from Spain, told the BBC she and her companion Melissa, 19, from Germany, had been at a bar close to where the pound occurred and were attempting to leave as ambulances showed up.

Neither knew how to do mouth to mouth, yet immediately started adhering to directions given by others at the scene.

“They were letting me know how to hold their heads and open their mouths, and that’s what things like. I was attempting to help yet they were both dead too. I need to say every one individuals they were getting to perform mouth to mouth, the vast majority of them were at that point not breathing so they could do nothing,” Ana said.

Such countless individuals needed assistance that everybody assisted, as per Ana, who said it was especially horrendous on the grounds that there wasn’t a lot of they could do to help.

“There were such countless individuals that they required typical individuals to perform mouth to mouth. So everybody began hopping in and help. We had two companions who knew how to perform mouth to mouth and they went out to help,” Ana said.

“After three minutes or perhaps more, they returned, looking so damaged and crying. Since they attempted to save five or six individuals and they all died in my companions’ hands.”

She added: “We could do nothing, that was the principal injury.” Sophia Akhiyat, a 31-year-old specialist from Florida, was traveling in Itaewon when she saw partygoers endeavoring to help oblivious individuals through a group.

South Korean police acknowledged she was a specialist and advised her to run with them to manage help, she told The Washington Post.

“These individuals, I think most about them were close to death or dead when we were helping them,” she said.

As indicated by Akhiyat, “a heap of people” hindered the obstructed rear entryway entrance from the central avenue, forestalling ambulances and crisis reaction groups from arriving at casualties.

Her companion, Yoon-sun Park, 24, from Texas, additionally helped convey casualties to clear way for clinical experts.

“It was nearly dystopian. It was practically all regular citizens, no clinical staff, attempting to save these individuals,” he said.

An expected 100,000 individuals, numerous youthful grown-ups in their 20s and 30s, went to Halloween festivities in Itaewon this end of the week following two years of Coronavirus limitations in South Korea were at long last lifted.

Recordings posted online showed individuals in ensembles being pushed through the restricted roads. Some seemed to climb walls on one or the other side trying to get away from the astonishing pound. Different recordings and photographs taken at the scene show body packs, crisis responders doing mouth to mouth and heros hauling oblivious individuals out of the group.

— New York Post (@nypost) October 30, 2022

The roads were so thickly loaded with individuals and sluggish vehicles that it was basically outside the realm of possibilities for crisis reaction groups and ambulances to arrive quickly.

Starting around Sunday night, the authority loss of life was 153, with something like 133 experiencing wounds. The dead included something like 26 far off nationals, including individuals from Iran, Norway, China, Thailand and Uzbekistan.

Something like two Americans were killed in the rush. The demise consider could rise 37 of those harmed were in difficult condition.

97 of the dead were ladies and 56 were men. More than 80% of the dead were in their 20s and 30s, and no less than four were young people.

South Korean president Yoon Suk-Yeol has proclaimed a public grieving period as specialists examine what caused the dangerous pound.