He offered this expression through his authority Twitter account, expressing that it is connected with the pastor’s showy and conspicuous way of life.


Buchi further referenced that the SPAC Country ensemble sings common tunes, as proven by their new execution with Oxlade.

The reporter further expressed that he has noticed Minister Tobi not teaching salvation or the gospel on any of his virtual entertainment stages.

As per him, driving extravagant vehicles and showing wealth to draw in youthful folks who are gangsters and convince them to turn another leaf are ill-advised approaches to attempting to win spirits for Christ.

Solomon wrote in an extended string;

“It is very certain that Minister Tobi isn’t a godly man. He just wears that name as an outfit. More than partner with common VIPs; his ensemble continues to sing common melodies, the most recent was Oxlade. A congregation? The London-based Nigerian planner and awesome minister who floats in sumptuous vehicles and bling outfits scarcely teaches the gospel. Check his Instagram page, his YouTube. Not one message on salvation, purification in Christ, sanctification, and so forth. Show me assuming that you view as one.

I sent off into YouTube to look for his lessons, since you know a righteous man by the word and the natural product he bears, yet I was unable to track down an adequate number of messages; only a couple and there was a high accentuation on riches, abundance and riches and engaging youngsters.

Individuals, first and foremost, need to comprehend that the gospel isn’t tied in with enabling youngsters; the gospel is only not tied in with giving — anybody can do that. The gospel is the message that main Jesus endlessly approves Jesus. A message births each other natural product in Christ. I needed to call attention to that on the grounds that many individuals botch altruism for the gospel! The gospel is something the common world can never give you. Indeed, even Satan is liberal. He vowed to give Jesus the world, recollect? The gospel is a forever important message.

I paid attention to some of Minister Tobi’s messages and they spin around trust, riches, and restoring posse pioneers into a way of life of abundance. This is a profoundly distorted philosophical position with no profundity and care about the good news of Jesus Christ. The expectation that Christ gave us was not the desire for finding a superior line of work; not the desire for carrying on with a sumptuous way of life. It’s the desire for everlasting magnificence. The desire for life past time. It’s the desire for our salvation. It’s an expectation that is not tied in with anything material, but rather ethereal.

I saw that all through his meetings, he scarcely makes sufficient references to the Book of scriptures. Same during his sermons(motivational talks). He strokes the ears of his audience members with apathetic abundance driven inspirational expressions with his impartial chuckling/grin.

In his meeting with MTV UK, he said he utilizes his presentation of extravagance to draw in these group young men to give up and this is off-base philosophy. What pulled in hoards to Jesus was his insight not Gucci or Fendi. Teach the word and let the Essence of God persuade them, not your Gucci.

The SPAC country likewise runs a risky ecclesiastical framework where these ex-gangsters and ex-convicts are appointed ministers without legitimate clerical preparation. I went on their IG pages and it overflowed extravagance and all that helps you to remember this world — mammon.

Scripturally, the possibility of the service is tricky. Socially, the affiliations minister Tobi keeps are upsetting and the picture constructed doesn’t praise Christ. It commends Gucci. His ‘congregation’ may function as a local gathering, most certainly not a congregation. I wouldn’t smash into a plenty of allegations evened out against SPAC country since there’s insufficient confirmation to approve that, however numerous ex-individuals have a ton to say regarding that social occasion.

— Wole (@Kingwole) October 13, 2022

Some could inquire: “Buchi for what reason is this post significant?” It’s exceptionally significant in light of the fact that we are called to bring up blasphemy, we are called to shield the gospel at each given an open door. A few unbelievers might maintain him as a minister and severely dislike Christianity significantly more. I conceive some asking me for what good reason I’ll discuss his organization with common famous people when Christ feasted with miscreants. Christ ate with delinquents, however the nearest to Christ weren’t miscreants. He taught men; he wasn’t embracing artists who sing about bum, sex, and cash.

Not surprisingly, some could name me as making a decision about him. In opposition to prevalent attitude, we are called to pass judgment, however judge honestly. We recognize, we test spirits. A definitive adjudicator has passed judgment on everything in the sacred texts and I’m emphasizing it.

This isn’t an assault on his character, however a polemical letter about his cases as a minister. He may be an extraordinary man, however from our scriptural rubric, he isn’t a minister. I wouldn’t see any problems with talking him about his profound excursion, religious philosophy and genuine stroll with Christ.”