Pathfinder: Kingmaker is an isometric RPG that feels very similar to games like Baldur’s Gate and Diablo. With a strong focus on team management and city-building, Pathfinder can be a daunting task for new players. The game itself walks the player through setting up a character and then thrusts them into a world filled with dungeons and… inventory management.

After a basic tutorial and simple-to-follow first level, Pathfinder: Kingmaker opens up the world with very little instructions. Players have to deal with a strong RPG that involves party management, city building, NPC recruiting, and so much more. This guide will provide some tips and tricks on the management side of the game to help flesh out some of the less explained mechanics inside of the game.

Build Points Inside of Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Once a player unlocks the kingdom management, a short tutorial will take them through how to spend Build Points. Once finished, the player is expected to begin purchasing different businesses and filling the slots in their kingdom. Choosing businesses to buy in the beginning is completely up to the player and how they want to focus their kingdom.

Be sure to save at least 150 build points since after the initial purchases the tutorial expects the player to add another region. If you somehow didn’t save enough build points you can always buy them for 80 gold each from the merchant in your capital.

The Importance of Diplomacy in Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Diplomacy checks are used multiple times in conversations, but it’s never explicitly said how diplomacy works. There is no direct diplomacy skill on a player’s character sheet. This is due to diplomacy being controlled by the persuasion skill. It’s incredibly important to drop some skill points into your leader since the main character will get many diplomacy checks when the rest of the party is not with them.

Diplomacy will be important for navigating the political management inside and outside of the kingdom. It also allows for some very advantageous dialog choices throughout the game. Keeping a decent amount of persuasion is something players should definitely consider on their journey.

Preparing for the Dungeons in Pathfinder: Kingmaker

It wouldn’t be a classic tabletop RPG without some good ole fashion dungeon crawling. Bounding out into the wilderness should never be taken lightly though. Ensure you bring along enough camping supplies and rations to keep your team in top condition. Whenever the player camps, if they have a character with the Nature skill, they will have the option to send them off to hunt for food. Choosing this option will add some time to the rest, but if a player is running low on rations it could be a lifesaver.

Managing Your Kingdom in Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Being a leader is no easy task, players must navigate foreign and domestic politics throughout the game. The choice of how they rule, however, is completely up to the player.

Kingdom management is handled through the kingdom map. The map is accessible through the table in the throne room or in the overworld map between areas. Some kingdom activities actually require the player to be in their throne room since the quest giver is requesting an audience. Some of these activities can be handled by sending one of your leaders to deal with it. However, the more important quests will require the player to handle the problem themselves, whether it be through diplomacy or visceral action.

Inside the kingdom map, players will also have access to their construction options. Constructing buildings and purchasing new regions to further your stats is essential to success. Also, keep an eye out for any unrest within your kingdom, if the settlement ever drops to crumbling status the game is over.

Inventory Management in Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Controlling inventory is a constant struggle inside Pathfinder: Kingmaker, luckily there are some things that help. Whenever the party is together there will be a shared inventory that helps balance the weight equally among players. One of the most essential items players should purchase as fast as possible is a bag of holding, this will add an extra 200 lbs to the player’s weight limit. You can find these bags at your kingdoms merchants for 25,000 gold.

There is so much more to Pathfinder: Kingmaker that a player will be able to discover as they adventure. Owlcat Games successfully brought the popular tabletop role-playing game into the digital realm by not just focusing on the hack and slash aspects. Kingmaker is an amazing adventure that every RPG fan should enjoy.

More: Pathfinder Second Edition Releases With Smoother Play A Priority

Pathfinder: Kingmaker is available on PC.