Paul Allen’s Net Worth

In 2009, Paul Allen’s net worth was $10.5 Billion, and $13.5 Billion in 2010. The net worth was $ 0.5 Billion less in 2011 than the previous year. His net worth kept increasing till 2018. He stood in 21st place in ‘Forbes 400’ and 44th place in ‘Billionaires’ as of 2018. In 1986, it was $195 Million and just 25% of his stake. So, you can see how different Microsoft and its co-founders stand out from the crowd.

Paul Allen’s Sources Of Income

Paul Allen earned through different sources. Some get mentioned as follows:

Vulcan Ventures

Paul Allen and his sister founded Vulcan Ventures. It is a privately held company and the leading producer of construction materials. It also contributes to real-estate development. He made around $2.25 Billion through this source.

America Online

It is an American web portal that provides the latest breaking news on weather, politics, lifestyle, sports, and more. It was down but never dropped. Its revenue kept increasing by about 18%, every year in the decade, as of 2013. Paul Allen’s stake could be $40 Billion through this company.

DreamWorks SKG

It was founded as a live-action film studio. It produces animated films, consumer products, TV series, and more. Allen contributed more than $500 Million to this company in the 1900s. However, he dropped out later, resigning from the board and selling most of his stakes.

Allen Institutes

Paul Allen has founded the following institutes:

Allen Institute for Brain Science. Allen Institute for Neural Dynamics. Allen Institute for Cell Science. Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence. The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group. Allen Institute for Immunology.

He has invested millions of dollars in establishing these institutes. These institutes have the world’s leading scientists and related professionals. It is how Paul has earned more than $1.5 Million through these institutes.


It is an experimental aircraft financed by Paul Allen and built by Burt Rutan. Paul supported this mission only in the first stage. However, it later got handed over to another entrepreneur. It was the 1st manned rocket sent into space which helped Paul win $10 Million.

Portland Trail Blazers

Paul bought this team in 1988. He bought it for $65 Million. The value of the Blazers was $2.09 Billion as of 2021. However, this team did not win any championship and went through several issues under his ownership. He bought another team named Seattle Seahawks in 1996. Its price was $194 Million at that time. However, now it costs around $3.5 Billion.

Expenditures Made By Paul Allen

He owned real estate in Atherton, Utah, Hawaii, South of France, and more, and sold some of them too. Their costs were at most $27 Million and he sold two of them for $101 Million. Paul Allen was said to spend around $384K per week on the maintenance of his Yacht. Some amount also got invested in purchasing artwork.

He donated $100 Million to fight against Ebola and the same to launch the Frontiers group. $50 Million got donated to launch A School Of Computer Science. He also lost $8 Billion due to the early expansion of broadband.

Before his death, he donated more than $2 Billion to charity and hundreds of millions of dollars for other works. From $2 Billion, $500 Million got donated to the Allen Institute For Brain Science. Till 2016, he had given away 1.6% of his total savings. However, he died with more money than he had donated.


Paul Allen was well known as the founder of Microsoft. So, you may imagine how high his net worth could be. He left Microsoft after 1980. However, he was active in other fields too. He bagged 21st place in Forbes 400 and had a net worth of $20.3 Billion according to the same in 2022. He was involved in real estate, retail, industrial space, research, and research sectors.

What Sports Teams Did Paul Allen Own?

Paul Allen owned Sports teams. He was the full-time owner of Portland Trail Blazers (from the NBA) and the Seattle Seahawks (from the NFA). He was the part-time owner of Seattle Sounders FC (from the MLS).

With What Was Paul Allen Diagnosed?

He got diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease. It got treated earlier but returned, causing his death.