Naturally the game looks very gorgeous, even for Uncharted which is saying something, and that makes a lot of sense seeing as Naughty Dog usually delivers with gorgeous visuals for their games. The specific section shown in the video covers a small section of Uncharted 2. I will agree that the footage of the Nepal City stage is a strong and colorful section of the original game, but it did not exactly show off the gameplay enhancements that were discussed while the gameplay was shown.

Although some of the information revealed during the playthrough of Nepal was new and interesting, it seems that all three games will have the shooting mechanics from Uncharted 2, the best of the best. It also seems that the water tech for all three games will be updated to a level befitting a console of the eighth generation. One interesting fact about the Nathan Drake Collection will have Drake look like he does during cutscenes, something that will also be a feature in Uncharted 4.

Some other additions that might appeal to Uncharted fans is that the Nathan Drake Collection will feature a new difficulty, for those confident in their gaming skills, and different skins that you can use during story mode.  What really got my attention was the fact that buying the Nathan Drake Collection gives you early access to the beta multiplayer for Uncharted 4. The idea of having access to the multiplayer, with all the new tools and gameplay Naughty Dog has shown could be amazing.

In the end the Nathan Drake Collection is yet to show off any of the new gameplay improvements and proven that it is a gorgeous game, something we already knew and expected from Naughty Dog. I am a huge fan of Naughty Dog, but so far they have yet to show off anything that has convinced me to buy the collection, hopefully Naughty Dog will show something soon that really demonstrates the uniqueness of this re-mastered collection.