“ED taught us to freeze specific sum from MIDs of explicit vendor substances and none of these assets have a place with Paytm or our gathering organizations,” Paytm said.


The Authorization Directorate expressed that around Rs 46.67 crore was recognized and frozen in different bank and virtual records.

The government hostile to illegal tax avoidance office said Rs 33.36 crore was found with Easebuzz Private Restricted, Pune, Rs 8.21 crore with Razorpay Programming Private Restricted, Bengaluru, Rs 1.28 crore with Cashfree Installments India Private Restricted, Bengaluru and Rs 1.11 cr with Paytm Installments Administrations Restricted, New Delhi.

Cashfree Installments said that they stretched out persistent co-activity to the ED tasks and had the option to give the necessary data inside a couple of hours upon the arrival of enquiry.

“The tasks and on-boarding cycles of Cashfree Installments are completely consistent with existing guidelines,” a Cashfree Installments’ representative said.

Easehuzz said that none of the gatherings referenced in the ED’s explanation had a place with their dealer base.

“The referenced substances by specialists were just the counterparties of the shipper, who was utilizing our installment door and this vendor had been proactively distinguished and impeded by us much before the examination had begun, according to our inner gamble and consistence process,” an Easebuzz representative said.

It said that they expect to completely co-work with the specialists to guarantee that their business tasks follow the current guidelines.

Razorpay said that none of the assets which were coordinated to be frozen by the ED have a place with them.

“We proactively obstructed that large number of dubious substances and assets related with them, and have imparted their subtleties to specialists. None of the assets which have been coordinated to be frozen by the specialists have a place with Razorpay.

We might want to emphasize that every one of our tasks and on-boarding processes comply with the best expectations of administration and administrative rules,” said a Razorpay representative.