There are multiple reasons for your account to be locked by PayPal which merges under the name of unusual activities. If your account has been used by more than one device a number of times, PayPal might lock your account in order to provide your security. In order to start the process of unlocking your account, PayPal requests information about your account or information about the transactions that you have made recently. So, let’s take a look at what you need to know in the case of a locked PayPal account.

Why Did my PayPal Account Get Locked?

PayPal might lock your account if they see that someone has been trying to log in to your PayPal account without authorization. They can also freeze your account if there have been too many chargebacks or disputes in your transaction history. Their higher-risk activities that might lead your account to be locked include three main parts. One of them is that you might have received a number of claims and chargebacks which is way higher than you normally do. Another one is that you might be collecting money at a much higher value than you normally collect money from people or businesses. The third one is that the speed at which you are collecting money from people and businesses has been increasing and it is contradictory to the nature of your transaction history. There are also other reasons why PayPal might freeze your account such as the possible threats from hackers. If your account has been logged in and logged out a high number of times or if your password was entered wrong several times, your account can be locked by PayPal. In addition, PayPal may also limit your account if you have been inactive for a long time since you created your account.

Can I Unlock My PayPal Account?

You can either go to their websites to do the unlocking process online or you can call the customer service, in either case, you need to explain your situation. If you decide to solve your problem online, you need to go to the PayPal website and search for the Contact Us page. Once you are on the Contact Us page, you can enter your email and password to the first section which is under the Common Issues and is called Password and account access. For the next step, you need to notify your situation by answering some questions, and PayPal will return you with an email and will notify you about the reason and how to unlock your PayPal account.

Can I withdraw my money even if my PayPal account is locked?

Unfortunately, you cannot withdraw your money if your account is locked. You need to contact PayPal and try to unlock your account in order to withdraw your money.

For how long my PayPal account can stay locked?

While it takes 4 hours for your PayPal account to be unlocked due to the act of entering too many wrong passwords, your PayPal account might stay locked for 180 days if they are suspected of unusual activity.

What are the other ways I can contact PayPal?

Along with calling PayPal in order to solve your problems, you can also send them a message and explain your condition. You can also go to the PayPal community and see if there are other people dealing with the same problem as you. You can also solve your transaction and account issues at their resolution center.

Your PayPal account can be locked due to reasons of password abuse, suspicious and unusual activity, and due to threats of someone trying to hack your PayPal account. You can try to unlock your account by calling the customer services of PayPal or you can contact them via their online services.