The fifth season of our favorite 1900s crime drama, Peaky Blinders, just premiered earlier this year in 2019. While some characters have come and gone, we still all have our favorite Shelby family members, as well as our favorite supporting characters that have the pleasure of running into this wild family.

We thought it fitting to combine this hit British crime show with our favorite magical British movie franchise. In case you’re wondering which Peaky Blinder would be at your table at Hogwarts, we’ve made a list. Here are the main characters from the show and the Hogwarts House the Sorting Hat placed them in.

Arthur Shelby - Gryffindor

You might be asking yourself how this man fits into the “chivalrous” house. Well, Arthur is reckless, daring, courageous, and pretty darn hot-headed. He makes up most of the negative qualities of this house, but we do at least think he has a pretty strong (and struggling) moral compass, and he has enough courage for just about every character on the show. Yes, this courage is definitely shown in recklessness most of the time, but nonetheless, he’s brave.

So, this makes him a Gryffindor through and through.

Polly Gray - Slytherin

This one probably isn’t surprising. Polly is definitely cunning, determined, and impressively resourceful. This house is known for its loyalty to their own kind, and we definitely know that Polly would do anything to protect her son and the Shelby name. On the flip side, this house can be a bit Machiavellian and discriminatory.

To put it lightly, we definitely, DEFINITELY don’t want to get on Polly’s bad side, and she fits perfectly into this slithery house.

Ada Shelby - Hufflepuff

Ada is the only Hufflepuff on the list, and that’s probably not surprising because Ada is unlike any other character on the show. She hates the Shelby business, at least, the dirty parts of it. However, she’s still loyal and dedicated to her family.

Plus, she’s always honest and humble. She’s the friendly face and the open heart, which definitely makes her the Hufflepuff of the group. We want to protect Ada at all costs, because this lovely gal has the purest heart on the series.

Lizzie Stark - Ravenclaw

Lizzie is definitely an interesting character, and we love her backbone and her intelligence. While she’s not as cunning as the others, she fits pretty perfectly into this house. She’s intelligent, creative, and is often Tommy’s voice of reason.

She’s not afraid to speak her mind, and honestly, people should listen. As well, she doesn’t like to hide in the background. She likes her sense of individuality, and she’s willing to take the smartest risks. Sometimes Lizzie can be a bit isolated, which is an unfortunate consequence for this house.

Aberama Gold - Gryffindor

Aberama is like Arthur in the sense that he’s extremely daring and bold. Sometimes, his decisions are pretty reckless (and yes, they kind of get him killed). Like this house, Aberama wears his heart on his sleeve, and he will do anything to follow his moral obligations.

He has a strong inclination to protect those close to him, and he is definitely willing to put himself in danger. Still, this character is guilty of hot-headedness, much like many of this popular house.

Michael Gray - Slytherin

Like mother like son, right? Michael unquestionably has an affinity for power, and he definitely lives by the motto “the end justifies the means”. He’s willing to get his hands dirty, and he’s pretty obsessed with coming out on top.

Similar to his mother, he’s also cunning and determined, which makes him fall pretty nicely into this slithery house. His ambition and resourcefulness will likely get him into trouble if he doesn’t reach the top first.

Grace Burgess - Ravenclaw

It might be interesting to know that Tommy’s two leading ladies are both Ravenclaws. However, it might also make a lot of sense. Grace is much more daring than Lizzie, but she also remains the voice of reason.

Even though she’s not alive anymore (and we’re still crying over it), she still appears in the series in Tommy’s visions. She’s the intelligence and the curiosity. Also, Grace is definitely her own person, and she never succumbed to peer pressure. She’s a Ravenclaw through and through. We miss you, girl.

Alfie Solomons - Slytherin

It’s probably not surprising that many of these characters fit into this house. We’re not trying to say all Slytherins are evil, but they are pretty obsessed with power, and definitely have ambition and pretty impressive cunning skills.

While we almost put Alfie in Gryffindor alongside his buddy Arthur, we think Alfie is pretty good at taking advantage of any situation, and he definitely has an air of arrogance. He’s pretty insulting, to say the least, and we for sure don’t want to get in this character’s way, either.

Finn Shelby - Gryffindor

Finn takes more after his brother, Arthur. He feels like he has to prove himself, which often results in recklessness. Still, we don’t deny that this young man is brave and daring, and he will definitely put his life on the line for whatever he thinks is right.

Finn is also guilty of having a bit too much pride and arrogance, but we still respect his courage and bravery. Therefore, he fits in this house pretty well.

Thomas Shelby - Slytherin

It would probably be surprising to find the man behind it all to be in any other house but Slytherin. He’s loyal to his core, and he will do anything to protect his family, his reputation, and his business.

Tommy is power-hungry, and his ambition is actually probably his biggest weakness. On top of it all though, we think Thomas is the most brilliant and resourceful character on the series. He can always solve any problem, and he’s definitely not one to shy away from a challenge. We love him to pieces, but we’d never want to be on his bad side. All hail House Slytherin.