Adam’s mom, Sabia Azim, is a housewife and his dad is a previous footballer.

His dad is behind the progress of the profoundly brightened novice fighter Adam with 7x expert triumphs. He has stayed undefeated since making his genius debut on the second of December 2020.

The fighter comes from an athletic foundation, and his father is a previous footballer who played for Sovereigns Park Officers’ Foundation in his childhood. As his child was hyperactive, the previous competitor acquainted his chap with boxing, and the youthful Azim has been enthusiastically contending in fighting from that point forward.

His brother Hassan Azim has likewise sought after a similar profession and has a record of nine successes and two misfortunes. Hassan appeared on the twentieth of November in a triumph against Ivan Njegac. The kin fantasy about becoming title holders together, in spite of the fact that having various speeds.

Adam Azim was born to a footballer father and mother Sabia Azim. Azim’s folks are from Pakistan.

Adam is one of two offspring of his folks, born on the first of January 2002.

The fighter battled with ADHD right off the bat, was hyperactive at age four, and required something to deplete his energy, so his father marked him up for a game so he could get occupied and be more occupied with something.

The senior Azim took his child to a neighborhood boxing rec center so that the more youthful Azim would quit banging his head or doing idiotic things winding up in the trauma center. The Azim family has fallen into the specialty of boxing from that point forward.

Adam’s dad was likewise a competitor, and he understood what sports would be an ideal fit for his young child battling with inordinate energy. Subsequent to getting acquainted with boxing, competing assisted the contender with getting his displeasure out, and he has had a profound association with the game from that point onward.

Adam Azim’s folks are from Pakistan and moved to Britain with their firstborn when he was a half year youthful.

They brought forth their most memorable child Hassan Azim on the 22nd of October 2000 in Pakistan and invited their second child Adam in 2002 in Bog, Berkshire, Britain.

Their father was into football and played for Sovereigns Park Officers’ Foundation. In this way, sports have forever been a gigantic piece of the Azim family. Nonetheless, he never constrained his youngsters to carry on his adoration for football and motivated them to follow their inclinations and enthusiasm.

Their mother, Sabia, is the strength of the family. Per an Instagram post made by the more seasoned Azim, her duas and petitions to heaven have safeguarded the kin and the tribe individuals, and they are appreciative for all that she accomplishes for them.

Adam Azim and his more seasoned brother, Hassan Azim, grew up having a solid contest, helping each other further develop in the boxing ring.


— Sky Sports Boxing (@SkySportsBoxing) November 28, 2022

Hassan began his competing venture later than Adam, as he was apathetic and more chilled and wasn’t into boxing. Consequently, he would watch his more youthful brother hustling in the rec center and get familiar with the fundamentals by noticing his abilities.

The more seasoned Azim started seeking after boxing intensely at 12, and the kin began learning together. They persuaded, helped, and pushed each other to work on their abilities, which has assisted them with turning out to be better renditions of themselves.

The pair fantasies about becoming title holders, and the 22-year-old competitor is fine with the more youthful Azim moving quicker than him. Adam’s brother has his own speed and is taking as much time as is needed, getting a charge out of and learning the master game while not hurrying anything and confiding simultaneously.